The Crypto Tribes have UNITED!

3 min readSep 24, 2021

Who are we?

We are a different type of NFT project. We aim to unite the cryptoverse and facilitate cross-chain collaboration while creating value for all involved. We believe that tribalism is hurting our beloved crypto kingdom. But let’s not kid ourselves, humans will always gravitate towards their preferred tribe. So who are we to go against human nature? We will provide the tools needed to represent your tribe properly while facilitating and encouraging the unification of the entire industry.

Together we are mighty…

Why does unification matter?

The petty squabbles must come to an end. We must stop insulting each other just because we value different things in a blockchain. We all have a tribe that resonates with us the most and that is completely fine! But variety is the spice of life. If variety wasn’t important to us we would eat something like soylent green exclusively every day. LOL!

We cannot allow our tribalism to hinder the collaboration needed to push the cryptoverse forward. Let’s support our favorite tribes without also needing to knock down the next one. Imagine all that we can accomplish together!

How do we plan to achieve our goals?

Our plan is simple.

We start by creating tons of value for our members and bringing in different “Tribes” under one umbrella. This will be the inherent incentive to want to “start” working together. We feel that the more value we create, the more people will gravitate towards our ideas.

We run on Solana as a personal choice, we believe in this chain. But if we remove the blinders we can see that this is a multi-chain effort to establish the industry as a whole.

We have a big vision that we believe we can achieve. But we must first establish an unbiased community that can perpetually create value for itself and strengthens its uniting bonds.


(Will be expanded further on the official version)

  1. Launch Crypto Tribes NFT
    A)Launch Alpha Collection
    -10k Generative NFT’s(Full attributes)
    -Pre-Sale and Free Omega Airdrop rights reserved
    -Access to Perpetual Passive Yield Protocol
    -Access to all members-only events
    -Access to all members-only Merch
    -Max Quadric DAO Voting Credits

    B)Launch Omega Collection
    -20k Generative NFT’s(No/Limited attributes)
    -Access to Perpetual Passive Yield Protocol
    -Access to some members-only events
    -Access to some members-only Merch
    -Limited Quadric DAO Voting Credits
    -50% of supply airdropped to Alpha Collection Holders. (1 per wallet)
  2. Launch Perpetual Passive Yield Protocol
    A)Setup Treasury
    -Digital Treasury
    -Fiat Treasury
    -Offline Trust
    -Reward Pool

    B)Setup Bonding Mechanism
    -Single Asset Bonding
    -LP Bonding

    C)Setup Staking Mechanism
    -Single Asset Staking
    -LP Staking

    D)Setup Market
    -NFT Market

    E)Setup Lending Mechanism
    -Mint/Burn Stablecoin
    -Lend out Stablecoin

    -Owned by the protocol

    -Fiat Treasury Minting
    -Bonding Minting
  3. Launch DAO
    A)Setup Quadric Voting Mechanism
    -Voting Portal
    -Burn/Mint Voting Credits
  4. Launch Club Networking
    A)Members-only events
    -Social events
    -Conferences with guest speakers
    -Collaboration workshops

    B)Launch Merch
    -Rare Alpha Collection NFT merch(Revenue shared with current holder)
    -Member inspired merch(Revenue share with the artist)

    C)Incentive-based project collaboration
    -Paid project collaborations
    -Reserved investments for strong member collaboration projects(Through perpetual protocol)
  5. Launch Cross-Chain Collaborations
    A)Funding/Investing Cross-Chain Projects
    -Payment systems
    -Metaverse Games
    -NFT Markets

    -Youtube channel

Together We Are Mighty

We can accomplish so many great things if we work together. Bringing our expertise together to create wonderful things that the world needs. Allowing fair practices and decentralization to flourish. While creating value and incentivizing good actors in this space.

In future articles, we plan to break things down a bit more. We will talk about our ideas for the NFT PFP/Cover art. Give a more detailed breakdown of the passive yield protocol we plan to build and how the DAO will be set up. All three of these areas are extremely important to making our club successful.

The NFT’s being the keys to the club. The protocol creating daily value for our members, so they can focus less on outside club work and more on building the club with us. Lastly, the DAO, which will create an avenue for members to decide the direction we take on our path to full cryptoverse unity.

Follow us on twitter @ CryptoTribesNFT




Crypto Tribes NFT is a a club of crypto enthusiast. Working together to unite the crypto industry.